Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Justin Files, 3/27/08

New poll has our talk show favorites
According to a new AOL poll, Kelly Ripa is the sexiest talk show host (unfortunately there was no "most irritating" category. Although I think Kelly would have been second in that one, no doubt Rachel Ray would take that crown). Folks chose Diane Sawyer as the most likely to make a good president, and Ellen was the most popular overall. By the way, according to this poll the least sexy talk show host...Larry King.

More details on Richie's DUI
There are more details today on Richie Sambora's DUI arrest. Apparently his 10 year old daughter was in the vehicle at the time of his arrest, along with another minor and an adult female. He hasn't been charged with any other offenses, but reports suggest that he could be charged with child endangerment.

Quick Hits
* You've got a couple more months to pay the Rent. (Sorry, had to make the pun). Producers have extended the final run of the Broadway hit, which was supposed to close on June 1st, until September 7th.

* Chikezie was the latest castoff from American Idol last night. By the way, did you like Kimberly Locke's outfit? It was designed by Project Runway winner Christian Siriano.

* Yesterday I (along with the rest of the world) reported on how Barack Obama is a distant relative of Brad Pitt and Hillary Clinton is a distant cousin of Angelina Jolie. So where's the resemblance? Here's a look, courtesy of

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