Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Justin Files, 3/13/08

Good news and bad news for Harry Potter fans
It's mixed news for Potterphiles. Warner Brothers announced that the final movie in the Harry Potter series will be split into two films. This is good news because it means that the writers will cut less and be able to fit in a lot more plot points and small details. But it's bad news for those of us who demand instant gratification. There will be a gap of six months between the flicks. The first part is tentatively scheduled for November of 2010, with part two following in May of 2011 (if you remember, the same tactic was used with the last two Matrix films...hopefully The Deathly Hallows will be slightly more successful).

And, of course, it also means they'll be able to charge twice as much for the DVDs.

More proof that Hollywood's run out of TV ideas

Reports are surfacing that a spinoff of Beverly Hills 90210 could be coming to The CW network. It would be, "a teen drama about rich kids in Beverly Hills".

So, basically, just a rehash of the original.

Hey, it worked for Saved By The Bell: The New Class.

Quick Hits
* This week's Idol contestant sent to exile, former stripper David Hernandez.

A pair of Justin Files updates:

* Michael Jackson has managed to save the Neverland Ranch. He refinanced in time to avoid the March 19th public auction. He owed $24.5 million on the property.

* Billy Crystal made his debut as a Yankee earlier today in Tampa. He struck out on a 3-2 pitch.

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